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 *2024 UPDATE *

While I love to snuggle ALL your babies, through DECEMBER 31, 2024, new patients will be virtual only so I can snuggle mine. 


I truly value the relationships that are formed with the families that I work with. Here is what some of them have said about our consultations. Click HERE to see more.

Kelly is SO AMAZING and was a huge part of the early days of my breastfeeding journey, and continues to provide such great support as questions come up. 

I left the hospital feeling scared that I would never be able to breastfeed as I had low/no supply. I set up an initial session with Kelly on my second day home and she assessed our latch, my supply, and set me up on a plan to increase my supply and was extremely encouraging in my wish to exclusively breast feed. We then had a follow up session to address some issues that rose the following week. Kelly is very knowledgeable and is a great resource in all things breastfeeding. Both times Kelly left me feeling optimistic and confident that this could work! 

Kelly sent detailed notes after each session and followed up via text as well - I genuinely felt like she was invested in our progress! Kelly was and is extremely responsive and supportive with any additional questions I've had after both sessions. 

I 100% believe that without Kelly's support and help through this, we would not be exclusively breastfeeding today. 

No matter what your breastfeeding goals are, I cannot recommend Kelly enough!

-T.C. San Jose, CA


So this review is long overdue. I'm writing as the "spouse/dad" and I can't say enough great things about Kelly! Our son was born a few weeks premature and needed a bit of development and coaching in order to successfully latch. 
Breastfeeding was one of the most important things that my wife wanted to do for our son, and it was a really difficult and frustrating experience. (Especially because it comes so naturally to some babies, not ours!)
We had Kelly come to the house and instantly provide tips and tricks orders of magnitude better than the multiple lactation consultations we had in the hospital.  
After one session my wife felt much more confident and after a 2nd session our son was able to latch regularly and she has been able to breastfeed exclusively ever since! 
Not only is Kelly professional but she is fun and caring as well and made my wife and I feel at ease.
Thank you so much Kelly for helping to make this experience easier!
Why are you still reading this? Go book her already!

-R.H. San Mateo, CA

Kelly was a total gem!
Our little girl was born weighing 7lbs 3oz and by the time we left the hospital she was down to 6lbs 8oz which was 8.6% down from her birth weight. Hours before we were set to be discharged the nurse said she was concerned about the weight loss and is talking to us about supplementing, got us a medical grade pump and sent us home with formula. It was so overwhelming and I was torn between wanting our new babe to be healthy and gain weight and wanting to successfully breastfeed.

I reached out to Kelly on the way home from the hospital. We talked about weight and diapers. By the end of our call we had a plan in place with a plan B as well. I felt so much better having a plan. It was a lot of work the first two nights but we followed Kelly's plan and at our weight check the nurses were shocked with how much she gained and told us we were doing fantastic. Kelly modified our schedule in a way to help us get as much sleep as possible and by day 8 our babe was back at her birth weight. I cannot give Kelly enough credit. She was answering my texts and calls at all hours and provided so much support. I can happily say our baby girl is successfully breastfeeding and I would not have been able to do it without Kelly.

-A.D. East Bay, CA

Kelly is THE BEST! Seriously, if you are anywhere in the Bay Area and looking for a Lactation Consultant, look no further! She is worth every penny and more.  I purely went off of Yelp Reviews and the desperate need for help on a WEEKEND day, which Kelly's website advertised. 

I had been to see a LC in the clinic under my insurance three times prior, and every time it would be mostly good when we were there, and then when we got home we would have trouble latching and excruciating pain for me. The pain brought me to tears, and I was about ready to give up.  I figured it was worth one last try to have a LC come to MY home and assess the situation.

I texted Kelly on a Saturday afternoon and arranged for her to come the NEXT day, Sunday morning.  Saturday night I texted her hoping to get her advise as to if I should pump or use a nipple shield to minimize the pain and be able to feed my baby until she arrived the next day.  Even though I hadn't paid for her service yet, Kelly quickly responded with her advise and followed up with me a few hours later to make sure we had been able to feed successfully.  

The overall consultation on Sunday was great.  Kelly is super sweet, down to earth, knowledgeable and dedicated to making sure everything is going well and YOU feel comfortable with feedings before she leaves.  She had us practice latching numerous times with her help, then had us independently latch a few more times.  She answered all of our questions and sent me a care plan afterwards with all the information we had discussed (which is perfect because what new mom can remember all of that or take enough notes to remember?!) Kelly also checked for tongue ties and did weight checks during the visit to see how much baby girl had eaten.  

One of the BEST parts of working with Kelly is that she continues to be available to me via text or phone! Any questions or concerns I have, she quickly responds to!  This brought me so much comfort and eased a lot of my stress with breastfeeding. I really can't say enough good things about Kelly...hence the long review!

-K.C. Concord, CA


I can't thank Kelly enough for her help when my son came home from the hospital not transferring milk well. We received such different advice from numerous LCs at the hospital and were just confused, and after a few days I nearly gave up on breastfeeding. Kelly was so non-judgmental and caring in those first few days, and reassured me that I would be able to breastfeed my son. She came in and did a weighted feed, gave lots of tips for positioning and keeping baby alert during feedings, and a plan for supplementing. She helped establish a plan once we were ready to wean off supplements also. More importantly, she was always there for me via text or call when I'd go through a period of frustration with breastfeeding and want to give up. She reassured me that we'd get it over and over, and sometimes that's just what I needed. By 6 weeks, my son was exclusively breastfeeding, and I know I wouldn't have been able to do it without Kelly. We are so grateful!
-S.K. San Jose, CA

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